In response to the conditions described in the purpose and need, the
proposed action is to effectively treat up to 25,000 acres within the 67,000
acre analysis area. Combinations of mechanical thinning with product removal, mastication,
hand thinning, and prescribed fire will be used to shift forest conditions
across the analysis area towards agreed upon desired conditions. Emphasis will
be on retention of older trees in all forest types, opening up densely closed
stands of mid to late seral classes, creating a more open forest environment
and improving shrub and grass diversity. The forest ecosystems that will be the
primary targets for treatments will be the ponderosa pine, dry mixed conifer, aspen,
and mesic mixed conifer, with some treatments in lodgepole and oak/ponderosa
types. Vegetative treatments will balance the need to protect important values
at risk within and adjoing the project area. Values at risk include but are not
limited to the following; private property, utility infrastructure, wildlife
habitat and fully functioning rivers and streams. The Proposed Action includes
the use of adaptive management principals to enable land managers with public participation
to identify management treatments that modify forest structure, pattern, and
composition across the landscape to help improve forest resiliency and function
in response to the potential for large, high intensity fires and excessive
water flows within the Upper Monument Project Area. Adaptive management relies
on monitoring change conditions and the result of actions to determine if management
changes are needed, and if so, what changes and to what degree.